Anemia in Pregnancy | Symptoms and Types of Anemia during pregnancy

Anemia in Pregnancy

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There are four main components in our blood: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. Of this, the red blood cells are an integral part of our lifeforce and they make up almost half of your blood. It is these tiny cells that deliver oxygen to the tissues in your body.

Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow and have an average lifespan of 100 to 120 days. Any process that affects this balance between red blood cell production and destruction can cause anemia. During pregnancy, the body produces more blood to support the growth of the baby. If you’re not getting enough iron and other nutrients, your body might not be able to produce the number of red blood cells it requires to make this additional blood. Across the globe, slight anemia is normal during pregnancy. However, the statistics are higher in India.

According to certain studies, India has the highest prevalence of anemia in pregnancy. The country is home to the largest number of anaemic pregnant women in the world. A major health hazard, anemia leads to high morbidity and mortality rates in both young mothers and infants. The numbers are looking up when compared with those about a century ago, however, much needs to be changed. There is no doubt that there should be more awareness and more care given to mothers and infants.

We take a deep dive into anemia during pregnancy and discuss the symptoms, and types that exist.

Types of anemia during pregnancy

These are the most common types of anemia that can develop during pregnancy:

  1. Iron-deficiency anemia
  2. Folate-deficiency anemia
  3. Vitamin B12 deficiency

What are the symptoms of anemia during pregnancy?

Symptoms of anemia during pregnancy can feel like other health conditions. Drop by, get tested and talk to your health care providers to diagnose the cause. The major symptoms are:

  1. Pale skin, lips, nails, palms of hands, or underside of the eyelids
  2. Feeling tired
  3. The sensation of spinning (vertigo) or dizziness
  4. Laboured breathing
  5. Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia)
  6. Trouble concentrating

How is anemia during pregnancy diagnosed?

The test for anemia is a must during your prenatal exams. Sometimes your healthcare provider may also tell you to test Haemoglobin and Hematocrit too.

How is anemia during pregnancy treated?

Your doctor will run the necessary tests for anemia during the prenatal check-up. If your doctor finds anemia, they will check for other health issues, age, and general health. The treatment will be specifically based on your symptoms.

What are the possible complications of anemia during pregnancy?

If you have anemia during pregnancy, you tend to be always tired. The baby may not grow to a healthy weight and maybe be born preterm

Can anemia during pregnancy be prevented?

Good nutrition before pregnancy not only helps prevent anemia but also helps build other nutritional stores in your body. Eating a healthy, balanced diet before and during pregnancy helps keep up your levels of iron and other important nutrients needed for your growing baby.

Here’s where you can reach us for appointments or for answers to all your pregnancy related questions

Phone Numbers: 0471-2544080, 2544706

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