Importance of Childbirth Classes in Pregnancy - KJK Hospital

Importance of Childbirth Classes in Pregnancy

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June 15, 2023
ഗര്‍ഭകാലത്ത് ഫോളിക് ആസിഡ് നല്‍കുന്ന ഗുണങ്ങള്‍
ഗര്‍ഭകാലത്ത് ഫോളിക് ആസിഡ് നല്‍കുന്ന ഗുണങ്ങള്‍
September 29, 2023
child birth classes

Childbirth classes are the best way to understand and get a preview of what to expect when your baby is born. It will involve understanding the mother’s pain, signs of labour, how to manage labour pain, stages of childbirth, how to process complications of childbirth, and also getting a good idea of how to take care of the newborn. 

There are many different kinds of childbirth classes; choose the one that matches the couple’s childbirth ideology. KJK Hospital provides all the couples enrolled with them for delivery services access to childbirth classes, and the classes are even available to the general public who are not registered with us for delivery services as well.

Childbirth classes are indeed important for a first-time mom or even someone who has given birth before. It will help the parents-to-be be more prepared, welcome their newborns, and cater to their needs without leaving any room for mistakes. 

The topics that are covered in the childbirth classes provided by KJK Hospital will include:

  • Signs of labour
  • Pain management while in labour
  • Coping during labour
  • How couples can be supportive of each other during labour
  • Breastfeeding
  • Newborn’s care

Childbirth Classes

The childbirth classes are also a medium to find similar parents, which will help couples connect better and make the journey more comfortable and inclusive. 

The best time to take birthing classes is in the third trimester, which is neither too early nor too late. It will prepare you at the right time without giving you time to forget what you have learned and understood. The intensity of the childbirth classes can be done in one day or it can pan out for months. The childbirth classes at KJK Hospital are usually conducted in batches for 12 hours, which can last for days.

Benefits of Childbirth Classes

  • Better connection with the partner

Pregnancy is a time when the mother-to-be goes through commendable changes in her body and even in her mental self. In such a situation, the woman expects her partner’s care and compassion. Childbirth classes can help the man understand very clearly the different pregnancy changes that a woman goes through and help him take better care. A deeper relationship and bond are created during the prenatal classes at KJK Hospital. 

  • Getting to know other expecting families

When you take up childbirth or prenatal classes, it can bring you closer to other expecting families around you. This will help create a closer wing of people who understand the problems that you are facing right now and also help get your child to mix well with kids of their age and get easy access to arranging playdates once the kids are all grown up.

  • Overcome information overload

It is very common to be bombarded with information from everyone around you once you are pregnant. It is common to come across contradictory suggestions and advice from different sides. Childbirth classes are informative and give you, as a couple, a better idea of what to do while pregnant and how to make sane decisions without listening to unwarranted advice. Surfing the internet is yet another crisis that you can avoid by taking our childbirth classes. 

  • More satisfying birth experience

Childbirth classes can help you understand the pregnancy journey and labour, which puts you at ease and makes you more ready to face the labour process and take care of the baby after the delivery. The classes will also help mothers make the right decision when they are not able to endure the pain and choose the option of an epidural.

  • Great knowledge on breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is not an easy process for everyone. Some mothers are showered with the luck of the baby latching easily, but for others, it takes a lot of effort to get the baby to latch. Breastfeeding classes will help initiate the process in the right direction, which makes the process easier.

Childbirth classes conducted at KJK Hospital

The curriculum of childbirth classes given by KJK Hospital includes:

  • Helping couples embrace parenthood
  • Learning more about postpartum depression, labour, breastfeeding, etc.
  • How to lead a life after childbirth
  • Doubt clearing windows

These are the main topics covered, with add-on topics as per the requests of each batch conducted by KJK Hospital. Such initiatives help both parents be aware of the whole process and be more supportive of each other rather than being ignorant. KJK Hospital believes in bringing a smoother road to childbirth and the life after to make parents mentally and physically prepared to welcome the newest member to their family.


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