Is IVF Pregnancy same as normal pregnancy?

Is IVF pregnancy the same as normal pregnancy?

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IVF or in vitro fertilization is now a household term. It is one of the most common assisted conception methods that many women struggling with infertility resort to. That brings us to the science behind this method of conception. IVF involves combining eggs and sperm outside the body in a laboratory. Once an embryo or embryos form, they are placed in the uterus. It might sound simple enough but it is a very expensive and complex procedure. And it is not for everyone. We take a deep dive

IVF is not for everyone

IVF is a good option if you or your partner have been diagnosed with


Low sperm counts

Problems with the uterus or fallopian tubes

Problems with ovulation

Antibody problems that harm sperm or eggs

The inability of sperm to penetrate or survive in the cervical mucus

Poor egg quality

The genetic disease of mother or father

An unexplained fertility problem

However, a careful assessment needs to be done before undergoing IVF.

What happens in IVF

You will be given hormone injections so that you produce multiple eggs instead of just one. The timing is important. These eggs must be retrieved just before they emerge from the follicles in the ovaries. Your healthcare professional will do the necessary blood tests and ultrasound and schedule a procedure whereby they collect the eggs. After the retrieval, these eggs will be mixed with your partner’s sperm in a laboratory. The fertilized eggs are kept under observation to ensure optimal growth. Once the embryos are ready, the doctors will transfer one or more into your uterus. To increase the chances of pregnancy, most IVF experts use more than one fertilized eggs in the process. Two weeks after this procedure, the doctor will test a sample of your blood to detect if you are pregnant. If you are pregnant, you will be referred for prenatal care. If you are not pregnant, you will have to go in for another round of IVF cycles.

IVF vs Normal Pregnancy 

From the moment the fertilised eggs are deposited in the uterus, a person who is undergoing IVF has to be very careful. It is this awareness that comes as a major differentiator between IVF pregnancy and a normal one. In the case of a normal pregnancy, missing your period is the first of the symptoms that you will have. If you have opted for an IVF pregnancy, you will need proper prenatal care in the first trimester.

However, once the pregnancy has been established and you are weaned off the hormone treatments, there is no major difference between IVF pregnancy and normal pregnancy. The risks involved will depend on your personal medical history. Age, endocrine factors, anatomical factors and immunology factors influence pregnancy. While IVF pregnancy can lead to more stress, no study signifies any adverse effect for the mother and the child.

The bottom line, is, however, to be aware and mindful about your body, the changes it undergoes and the procedures you are signing up for when you opt for IFV.

Here’s where you can reach us for appointments or for answers to all your pregnancy related questions

Phone Numbers: 0471-2544080, 2544706

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