Will exercise during pregnancy guarantee a normal delivery?

Will exercise during pregnancy guarantee a normal delivery?

Tips for a healthy pregnancy
December 30, 2021
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December 30, 2021

Pregnancy brings with it a lot of changes – both physical and emotional to the new mom to be. You likely feel more tired than usual, and your back might ache from carrying extra weight. Add to it factors like morning sickness, and all you would want to do is to just sit back and relax. However,  research says that it is ideal to exercise in moderation.  How much or how little depends and varies from person to person.

What are the benefits of exercise during pregnancy?

Everyone benefits from exercise. When you exercise, the body releases endorphins that lift your mood. They make you feel happier and help regulate your weight and keep other health conditions in check.

When you are pregnant, moderate exercise will help relieve backaches and improve your posture by strengthening and toning muscles in your back,  and thighs. Your joints tend to get loose during pregnancy, and exercise firms you up. It will help reduce stress and anxiety and allow you to sleep better too. And that is not all, if you are an active person, it would help in keeping conditions like gestational diabetes and heart issues at bay.

What exercises are safe during pregnancy?

Moderation is the keyword when it comes to exercises during pregnancy. Low impact exercises are the safest during pregnancy. Try swimming, brisk walking, indoor stationary cycling, and low-impact aerobics. These activities carry little risk of injury, benefit your entire body, and can be continued until birth. As the pregnancy progresses, you may want to choose exercises or activities that do not require great balance or coordination. Practising yoga during pregnancy helps with learning to moderate your breathing too.

What should a pregnancy exercise program consist of?

A lot can happen to your body during pregnancy. You should be aware and ready to endure these changes. A regular exercise regime helps you in this process. Consult your healthcare professional before you start the exercises. Include exercises that allow you to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Leg exercises, core exercises diaphragmatic breathing and cardio exercises are good too. However, you have to absolutely stay away from heavy and strenuous workouts. Stretching exercises make the muscles warm and active. Try kegel exercises too.

Who should not exercise during pregnancy?

If you fall under a high-risk pregnancy case, it may not be advisable to work out. Exercise may also be harmful if you have a pregnancy-related condition such as:

Bleeding or spotting

Low placenta

Threatened or recurrent miscarriage

Previous premature births or history of early labour

Weak cervix

Talk with your doctor before beginning an exercise program.

So, will exercise guarantee a normal delivery?

A regular workout will definitely help you have stronger muscles and confidence, however, there is no guarantee that it is one of the major factors for normal delivery. It improves your chances steeply. Rather than maintaining a sedentary lifestyle, this is the right time to get moving!

Here’s where you can reach us for appointments or for answers to all your pregnancy related questions


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Email: kjkqueries@gmail.com

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