How do irregular periods affect pregnancy chances?

How Do Your Irregular Periods Affect Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant?

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ഗർഭകാലത്ത് ഛർദ്ദി ദോഷകരമാകുന്നത് എന്തുകൊണ്ട്?
December 30, 2023
ഗർഭാവസ്ഥയിൽ മൂത്രനാളിയിലെ അണുബാധ: എങ്ങനെ ചികിത്സിക്കാം?
January 22, 2024

Women expect their menstrual cycle to be consistent and perform like clockwork. But the reality is that periods often don’t work as they expect it to be. If you experience irregular periods, it should be taken seriously, particularly if you are planning pregnancy.

Regular Periods and Irregular Periods

Even though the length of the period varies from woman to woman, the average cycle is every 28 days. Regular cycles could also be longer or shorter than this anywhere from 23 to 35 days. Your period will be considered irregular if the cycles are longer than 38 days or the duration of each cycle differs by more than 7-9 days. Irregular periods can be caused by a variety of reasons, including variations in hormone levels, stress, particular health conditions, medications, and other factors.

Your period is still considered regular even if it varies slightly. Some examples of irregular menstruation are:

  • Periods with intervals shorter than 21 days or longer than 35 days.
  • Three or more consecutive periods are missing.
  • Experiencing heavier or lighter menstrual flow than usual.
  • Menstrual cycles lasting over a week.
  • The gap between cycles can be more than nine days. One cycle lasts for 28 days, the next for 37 days, and the following for 29 days.
  • If you experience severe pain, cramping, nausea, or vomiting during your period.
  • If you notice any bleeding or spotting between periods, after menopause, or after sex.
  • If you’re bleeding heavily and going through a tampon or pad in an hour.

Causes of Irregular Periods

Some medical conditions can cause the absence of menstrual periods. They are:


Endometriosis is the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus. Often, the tissue becomes attached to either your ovaries or fallopian tubes. Abnormal bleeding, cramps, and severe pain may be caused by endometriosis before and during your period.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a bacterial infection that causes pain and inflammation in the female reproductive organs. An untreated sexually transmitted infection (STI) is typically the reason. The entrance of bacteria into your vagina can result in their spread to your uterus and upper genital tract. A heavy, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, irregular menstrual cycles, and pelvic discomfort are signs of PID.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

PCOS results in the overproduction of androgens, a type of hormone, by the ovaries. Irregular periods occur due to the prevention or delay of ovulation by this hormone. Some people with PCOS may stop getting their period altogether.

Primary Ovarian Insufficiency

Missed or irregular periods are caused by dysfunctional ovaries in women under 40. It can happen during cancer treatment involving chemo and radiation or in cases of certain autoimmune conditions.

Thyroid Or Pituitary Gland Disorders

Disorders like hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and others affect hormone levels due to issues with the thyroid or pituitary gland. Your period becomes irregular due to this.

Bleeding Disorders

Development of a bleeding or blood clotting disorder can lead to heavy menstrual bleeding.

Uterine Cancer Or Ovarian Cancer

Some cancers can disrupt a person’s menstrual cycle. Changes may consist of heavier bleeding or missed periods.

Home made solutions for irregular periods

If you experience irregular periods, you can try some home remedies. The following remedies can be beneficial in managing irregular periods.


Ginger Tea

Ginger helps with a variety of illnesses and symptoms, including irregular menstruation. Consuming raw ginger on a regular basis can assist with period regulation. Gingerol, which is found in ginger, helps reduce inflammation in the body. It promotes hormonal balance and aids in uterine muscle contraction. It makes the monthly occurrences of periods regular. On an empty stomach, sipping a glass of hot ginger tea with a squeeze of lemon juice and a sprinkling of honey in the morning or evening speeds up metabolism. 

Unripe Papaya

Unripe papaya is quite famous for regulating periods by improving uterine contraction that occurs during periods. Drinking unripe papaya juice regularly for a couple of months is beneficial, but do not consume it during periods.


Turmeric is considered a magical home remedy in Indian households, applied to various conditions. With its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, turmeric can reduce uterine cramps. Some people use turmeric to prepone periods the natural way. For this, you have to consume turmeric with warm milk and honey till the day you get your period.

Aloe Vera

If you want to regulate your periods and lose weight, try Aloe Vera juice. It also improves metabolism and promotes gut health. Aloe Vera is effective in correcting hormonal imbalances and treating menstrual irregularities. However, it is not advisable to use Aloe Vera during menstruation. It might lead to an increase in uterine contractions. 


In addition to being sweet, jaggery offers several therapeutic benefits. Consuming jaggery on a daily basis may help control irregular periods. It also lessens the intensity of menstrual cramps.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome can benefit from consuming apple cider vinegar to regulate their periods and hormones. By losing weight, you can lower blood sugar and insulin levels. To neutralize the bitter taste, mix apple cider vinegar with honey before consuming.


Cinnamon can help with blood flow to the uterus and might help with irregular periods. This might provide relief for period-related stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting. To get the best results, simply mix a teaspoon of cinnamon powder into a glass of milk and drink it. 

Can I Get Pregnant With An Irregular Period?

Irregular periods do not prevent women from becoming pregnant. But the chance of becoming pregnant decreases substantially. The drawback is that it gets harder to determine the date of ovulation. Thirty percent of healthy women with regular cycles are successful in getting pregnant. Research indicates that when periods differ by ten days or more, this decreases exponentially.

How Do Irregular Periods Affect Getting Pregnant?

Even though it could be challenging, becoming pregnant with an irregular menstrual cycle is possible. When you’re ovulating it can be hard to determine if you don’t know how long your cycle is each month. Since you need to engage in sex during your fertile window in order to conceive, timing your sexual activities around ovulation can boost your chances of getting pregnant. The few days leading up to and including your ovulation day are known as your fertile window.

Irregular ovulation may also be caused by an irregular menstrual cycle. It’s possible that you ovulate irregularly or at different times each month. It is also possible to ovulate without bleeding. This frequently happens as a result of hormonal medications or previous uterine scarring.

Menstrual-like bleeding can sometimes occur in the absence of ovulation. This typically occurs when the uterine lining thickens to the point that it becomes fragile and sheds naturally. If the other female hormone, progesterone, which is generated after ovulation, does not interfere with the pre-ovulation release of the hormone estrogen, the uterine lining may thicken without ovulation.

Irregular menstruation can have a variety of causes, many of which might interfere with ovulation or make conception more challenging. Sometimes the cause of irregular menstruation is not known.


Common Signs Of Pregnancy When You Have Irregular Periods

If you have irregular periods and are trying to get pregnant, make sure to keep an eye out for any signs of pregnancy. These are some signs you should watch for:

Breast Tenderness

When you’re in the early stages of pregnancy, your body goes through hormonal changes, like higher estrogen levels. This can make your breasts more sensitive, making them feel tender, sore, or swollen. You may also experience a fuller and heavier feeling in your breasts.


Light bleeding, also known as spotting, may happen when a fertilized egg attaches to your uterine lining. It’s called implantation bleeding and usually happens when your period is supposed to come. It’s usually not as heavy as a normal period and might show up as small, pink, or brownish spots.


Early pregnancy cramps can feel like period cramps, but they’re usually not as intense. The changes in your uterus getting ready for pregnancy can cause these cramps.

Food Cravings and Aversions

Changes in food preferences can occur due to pregnancy hormones affecting taste and smell. You might start craving certain foods out of the blue, while others you used to like might not seem appealing anymore.

Nausea and Vomiting

Morning sickness is totally normal during pregnancy, but it can happen anytime of the day. It’s usually accompanied by nausea, and some pregnant women might vomit. It is believed to be associated with changes in hormones and an increased sensitivity to smells.

Vaginal Discharge

It’s common for vaginal discharge to increase during pregnancy. Leukorrhea, which is a discharge, is typically clear or milky white and doesn’t have an unpleasant smell. It provides protection against infection in the birth canal.

Mood Changes

Your mood can be affected by hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy. You might feel moody, emotional, or more irritable. It’s normal to go through emotional changes during pregnancy.

Extreme Tiredness

Feeling exhausted is a typical symptom of being pregnant. Your body is working hard to support the growing pregnancy, and this can lead to feeling exceptionally tired, even if you are getting enough rest.

Increased Urination

Due to hormonal changes and the expanding uterus, your bladder may experience pressure, leading to more frequent urination. This symptom typically starts in the early stages of pregnancy and continues throughout.


Abdominal bloating or feeling full may be experienced by certain pregnant women. Digestion can be affected by hormonal changes and muscle relaxation in the digestive tract.


Some women may experience constipation due to the slowing down of the digestive process caused by pregnancy hormones. This could result in a decrease in the frequency and difficulty of bowel movements. Consuming fiber-rich foods and staying hydrated with plenty of water can help alleviate this symptom.

If you have irregular periods, your chances of getting pregnant may be lower compared to women with regular periods, even if you are ovulating. Women who experience irregular periods must consult a doctor as soon as possible if pregnancy is in their plan. Your irregular periods might be caused by an underlying medical condition that affects your fertility. Therefore, finding proper treatment for irregular periods can increase your chances of getting pregnant. At KJK Hospital, we have a team of experienced and highly qualified doctors who can accurately diagnose the reason for your irregular periods and suggest proper treatment plans. Our best gynecologist and fertility specialists will run several tests to determine the actual cause and provide the best treatment to increase your chances of conceiving a child. If you are worried about conceiving with irregular periods, book an appointment at the earliest and we’ll help you achieve a healthy pregnancy.

For more information, feel free to contact us for appointments and queries.

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