News and Articles on Infertility Treatment & Gynecology - Blogs | KJK Hospital
June 1, 2020


The social stigma surrounding infertility always make it seem like this is primarily related to only females. But in reality this is not the case and the health and fertility of both the male and female has to be looked into to improve chances of conceiving. A low sperm count is the most common cause of infertility in men and otherwise it could be the complete absence of sperm in the semen, termed as Azoospermia.
June 1, 2020

Endometrial Hyperplasia

The uterus is lined with a special tissue called the endometrium. The endometrium is a dynamic tissue that undergoes a series of alterations like proliferation, secretion and shedding during the menstrual cycle in a woman’s reproductive years. The abnormal thickening of this lining is called Endometrial Hyperplasia.
April 18, 2020

Varicoceles and Male Infertility

An inability to get pregnant and have a child despite having well-timed sexual intercourse for an year is known as infertility. Many factors that trigger infertility including hormonal, related to the structure of the ovaries and other reproductive organs, ovulation disorders, etc.
April 18, 2020

Congenital Uterine Anomalies

An inability to get pregnant and have a child despite having well-timed sexual intercourse for an year is known as infertility. Many factors that trigger infertility including hormonal, related to the structure of the ovaries and other reproductive organs, ovulation disorders, etc.
March 26, 2020

Top 9 Causes of Infertility in Women

An inability to get pregnant and have a child despite having well-timed sexual intercourse for an year is known as infertility. Many factors that trigger infertility including hormonal, related to the structure of the ovaries and other reproductive organs, ovulation disorders, etc.
March 7, 2020

Diagnosis and Treatment of Unexplained Infertility

Typically, infertility is caused by a man’s inability to produce sperm or a woman’s poor quality of eggs. However, in some cases, the reason for infertility […]
February 9, 2020

8 Signs and Symptoms of Perimenopause

Perimenopause, which means around menopause, refers to the time during which a woman’s body starts to naturally prepare for the onset of menopause. This period is […]
January 23, 2020
Uterine Fibroids

Types Of Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that occur in the uterus, usually in the childbearing years. These tumors are formed from the muscle fibers that line the […]
January 5, 2020

MACS And PICSI – The Best Sperm Selection Techniques

The success of the IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) technique depends on various factors. These factors vary from case-to-case and may require a different approach. Multiple pieces of […]
November 12, 2019

Gyneco Laparoscopy

Gyneco laparoscopy is a minimally-invasive surgical procedure that helps your surgeon to see inside your lower abdomen with the help of a camera called laparoscope.  Because […]